Sunday, April 17, 2016

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation (VMUF)

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation (VMUF) is a secretly upheld coeducational establishment offering courses in the medicinal and paramedical fields, in liberal and connected expressions, sciences, and specialized professional courses, auxiliary, rudimentary and pre-school courses. Since, its initiation, VMUF has been worried with teaching young fellows and ladies in abilities, ideas and qualities that prompt achievement in life, while helping them get ready for advantageous administration to GOD and humankind.

The educational modules and exercises of VMUF are designed for helping every understudy accomplish his or her God-given potential. VMUF endeavors to build up each feature of one's as a rule rationally, physically, inwardly, mentally and most critical, profoundly.

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation (VMUF) graph its course in the following decade with new parkways opened to improve the complex administrations it offers. It will keep on playing its part for the advancement and progression of information for the nation's aggregate improvement and in addition to meet the difficulties of changing world by educating the understudies how to gain a living as well as all the more imperatively "HOW TO LIVE". VMUF will keep on promoting a lifestyle - the best approach to give and serve others. Ideally, VMUF understudies who have soaked up this way of life will one day spread it outside and add to advancement of their barrios, towns, regions, and their nation and even of the entire world.

More than 4,000 understudies/students enlisted at VMUF, originating from an assortment of national ethnic, social and religious foundations. The worldwide understudy body, enveloping assorted social legacies, gives an unmistakable cosmopolitan flavor and proceeding with chance to grow close, warm and veritable human relationship.

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